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مروان ساهر 12-15-2015 05:30 PM

عملاق المونتاج وتحرير الفيديو Adobe Premiere Elements 14.1 تحميل مباشر
Adobe Premiere Elements 14.1
Adobe Premiere Elements is a video editing software application for non-linear video editing, published by Adobe Systems. Adobe Premiere Elements can handle unlimited video and audio tracks, with multiple keyframed effects applied to each clip, as well as Picture-in-picture and chromakey capabilities. It also supports many third-party plug-ins for additional features, including Premiere Pro plug-ins, After Effects plug-ins, and VST effects. It can create bars and tone and a countdown leader, just like Premiere Pro. This program also features real-time video rendering, unlike some other video editing programs, which allows the user to instantly preview edits made to the timeline






شهد 12-16-2015 03:39 PM

مشكوووووور والله يعطيك الف عافيه

الساعة الآن 10:06 PM.

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