المتصفح الخفيف Cyberfox 36.0 Final
Cyberfox 36.0 Final <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Cyberfox is a quite famous and popular browser, based on Mozilla Firefox. He is available for operating systems Windows. We can say that this does - is the same Firefox, however, it is more productive, reliable, fast and optimized for modern processors. As the publisher says - one of the fastest browsers for a 32/64-bit system. <br> <br> Features: <br>- x32/x64 Bit Web Browser <br>- Powered By Mozilla Source Code <br>- Compiled With Visual Studios 2012 <br>- Used Windows 8 SDK Instead Of Vista SDK <br>- Compiled With Help Of Intel C++ Compiler <br>- Experimental: But Might Work On Windows 8 OS <br> <br> Whats New : <br>-New: [Devtools] User-agent Override Now while actively focused fly-out panel can be dragged to a more viewable position, On some small screens it was inaccessible. <br>-New: Option under Features to turn on|off right click contextmenu about:config menu item. <br>-New: Option under Features to turn on|off about:config menu item. <br>New: Option under Features to turn on|off one click search. <br> <br> <br> <br>SIZE: 42 MB <br> <br> <br> <br>x32 <br> <br>megauplaod <br>DOWNLOAD <br> <br> MediaFree <br>DOWNLOAD <br> <br>uploaded <br>DOWNLOAD <br> <br> Turbobit <br>DOWNLOAD <br> <br>up07 <br>DOWNLOAD <br> <br>4downfiles <br>DOWNLOAD <br> <br>letitbit <br>DOWNLOAD <br> <br>x64 <br> <br>megauplaod <br>DOWNLOAD <br> <br> MediaFree <br>DOWNLOAD <br> <br>uploaded <br>DOWNLOAD <br> <br> Turbobit <br>DOWNLOAD <br> <br>up07 <br>DOWNLOAD <br> <br>4downfiles <br>DOWNLOAD <br> <br>letitbit <br>DOWNLOAD <br> |
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