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قديم 08-27-2015, 05:48 PM
subo99 غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2015
المشاركات: 11
subo99 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي When you travel with your pets

Anyone would love to experience a new place with their adorable four-legged companion. Here are some travel tips for you to reduce troubles for your trip.

Have a solid plan:

Do research, call the hotel to make sure your pets are welcomed there and made plan of where to go with them when you reach your destination.

Crating your pets:

We all know, when you travel with your pets, you will feel bad crating him or her. But it still safer too cage them, especially when traveling by cars. Keeping your dog in a cage will not distract you from driving so you would less likely to cause or get into an accident and keeping both of you safe. If you don’t want your pets to be sad, provide them with a toy for entertainment or talk with them one in a while so they know that you’re there.

If you are having a bad time getting them into the cage, just say calm. Let them go into the crate on their own. You can lure them with their favorite treat or their toys. When your pets are inside and comfortable, make sure the lock is firm. Oh and don’t forget to give them something soft to lie on.

Plane travel:

First, you need to do some research or call and ask the airport to see if they allow your pet to travel with you, how much fees will it take and see if you have to do any health exam for your pet.

Don’t feed them too much. You don’t want your dog to have an empty stomach but keep in mind that, on a long trip, only keep them half-full. During short trip, just give them a snack and then you can give them more when you arrive at your destination. This will keep your pets from doing “business” in their cage.

It might be a better idea to not bring your pets on board. I know it will make you worry but other passengers may not enjoy the presence of your pets next to them.

Take a nice long walk before or right after you arrive at the hotel:

This is good for dog-owners for it will help both you and your best buddy have a small exercise after a long time. Besides, you can do a bit of sight-seeing on the way. Your dog may growl at strangers but that’s minor. It’s natural for your dog to be a little nervous around new people. Let the dog sniff and get to know the scent of the if possible.

Keep your pet calm at the hotel:

You don’t want to annoy anyone because of your pets. Keep them calm by playing and staying with them most of the time. Ensure the door is locked so your pets won’t ran outside. Keep them away from the bed and other hotel stuff while you go take a shower and unpacking your stuff. After all you don’t want to start your day at a hotel with a huge dump on your bed or with the bed/curtain ripped. If your pets like to break stuffs, it’s better to keep them in their cages when you are not in presence.
mua o cung gia re học cلch giảm mỡ bụngvê sinh làm sạch guitar
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-09-2015, 06:08 AM
subo99 غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2015
المشاركات: 11
subo99 is on a distinguished road

Bạn đم biết những nơi bلn guitar nhật cũ uy tيn tại tphcm chưa , đây là 1 trong những môn nhệ thuật khل hay trong cuộc sống hằng ngày mà chْng ta hay gặp phải. Cuộc sống ngày càng phلt triển, hiện đại, xu hướng trang bị cho mىnh một môn nghệ thuật của mỗi người cũng vى vậy mà tăng lên hàng ngày. Đặc biệt là cلc gia đىnh trẻ khi cha mẹ mong muốn cho con cلi mىnh phلt triển toàn diện. Ngoài nhu cầu về dinh dưỡng, giلo dục văn hَa, hoạt động thể chất thى nghệ thuật cũng không thể thiếu cho cuộc sống ngày hôm nay.

Nắm bắt được nhu cầu đَ của Qu‎ khلch hàng, website nhaccu Thiên آn đم được ra đời. Chْng tôi hy vọng, qua website, Qu‎ khلch hàng sẽ lựa chọn được cلc sản phẩm phù hợp với nhu cầu của mىnh trong thời gian ngắn nhất với chi phي phù hợp nhất.

Nếu bạn đang cَ ‎ định tىm nơi nào bلn đàn guitar nhật giل rẻ thى Thiên آn là nơi lựa chọn hợp l‎ và chيnh sلc nhất nhé cلc bạn

Chْng tôi Nhạc cụ Thiên آn nhà phân phối chيnh hمng của nhiều thương hiệu nổi tiếng về bلn đàn guitar nhật cũ giل rẻ như Morris, Yamaha, Aria, ... . Chيnh sلch chăm sَc khلch hàng cũ tận tىnh, chu đلo… và luôn luôn đồng hành cùng qu‎ khلch hàng.

Đội ngũ tư vấn viên tận tىnh, thân thiện với khلch hàng cùng với dịch vụ tư vấn về đàn guitar miễ
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-21-2015, 02:48 PM
الصورة الرمزية الفتى الفدائي
الفتى الفدائي غير متواجد حالياً
مدير المنتدى
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2010
الدولة: –•¤•»_ اًلِحًـٌـِ فِدٌأآئْو ـًـِـٌزِيَـِِنٌ_«•¤•–
المشاركات: 6,676
الفتى الفدائي will become famous soon enoughالفتى الفدائي will become famous soon enough

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من لم يعرفوآ آلنوم منذ آشهر ,,, من لم يتذوقوآ الطعآم بمنآزلهم منذ آشهر ,,,
من آشتآقوآ ليحتضنوآ آبنآئهم ,, من لم يعرفوا إلا صوت النار والبارود منذ زمن طويل ,,,
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التوقـيـ ع : مـ شهيد لأجـ Ahmad ــل سوريـا الأسـ Alassd ـد ــشروع

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pets, travel, when, with, your

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